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We are now live!

We are now live!

Dario Grahovac
A black clock icon indicating the reading time of a blog post on Webflow and SEO.
min reading

Two years ago, we decided to create an innovative web agency that lives and breathes digital experiences. Our journey has been challenging, but also hugely educational and fun. The journey has basically been one of maturity and reflection - asking ourselves questions about who we want to be, how we should work internally and what approaches we should adopt to help our clients achieve the best possible results.

The answers to our questions were not obvious, they rarely are when talking about digital development, but with the time we gave ourselves, we now understand what kind of company culture we want to create. Which agency we want to be. This time has allowed us to deepen our knowledge of the latest technologies, look for inspiration, discover which team structure will best serve our clients and establish a set of values that link to our vision.

Now we open the doors for Good Guys! We are a full-service agency that through imaginative strategy, stylish design and modern technology creates user-friendly websites that deliver business value to our customers. The main services we offer are in web development, digital marketing, design and SEO.

One of the most exciting additions to our services is that after 10 good years with WordPress, we will now build all new websites in Webflow.

Webflow is, like WordPress, a CMS (Content Management System) tool used to build websites. However, what sets Webflow apart from, say, WordPress is its unprecedented customization options. Webflow enables the creation of more visually appealing, advanced and faster websites that stand out from the crowd.

Webflow is based on what is called No-Code and is based on visual web development. You could almost say that you work "backwards" when using Webflow. When building a website, Webflow works in the background and creates the code that corresponds to the content. HTML, CSS and JavaScript are still part of the foundation, but the code is instead built automatically as the content is added to the page. By using Webflow, you avoid plug-ins, FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and server management. The program thus generates a clean code with high performance, advanced design possibilities and unique scalability.

This transition does not mean that we have abandoned WordPress. To our customers whose websites are created in WordPress, we will still offer our services with the same focus on quality and development as before.Now we are starting to expand our team of digital specialists and we will also share our journey in social media. We look forward to developing with you and delivering outstanding digital solutions that take your business to new heights.

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